How this site was made

  1. Make new repository

  2. Check “Add”

    a. Delete the header from the readme or else there will be two headers on / page

  3. Add a post by clicking on “Add file”

    a. Name it “_posts/”

    b. Add front-matter

     layout: post # not sure if you need this for sure
     title: Title

    c. Write your post in markdown

    d. If you have ChatGPT text you want to use, click the “Copy” button at the top right of the post in lieu of copying manually to preserve the markdown

    e. Save and commit

  4. If it’s a page instead (which will make it appear in the header at the top of the website), do this instead

    a. Name it, doesn’t have to be in a folder

    b. Add front-matter

    layout: page
    title: Title

    Still not sure if you need the layout directive

    c. Write it in markdown

    d. Save and commit

  5. Add _config.yml

    a. Add this:

     remote_theme: jekyll/minima
       skin: dark
       - jekyll-feed

    You need the jekyll-feed plugin so the RSS link isn’t broken. Not sure how to remove it entirely

  6. Turn on Github Pages in settings

    a. Turn on Enforce HTTPS (it’s free)